POC In Gear FAQs
Here are a list of questions and ansswers commonly communicated for the project. If y ou have a specific question, please feel free to reach out.
Do I have to be POC to help? Yes - The images will be strictly highlighting POC Bodies meaning, anyone that is not white may participate in the images for the sake of the subject matter. No - Though the images are of POC, we know that allyship and resource sharing are key in the success of this project. Non POC may help by support the efforts monetarily, volunteering time or skills and just general well wishes/word of mouth are also a BIG help.
Where are you shooting? The images will be shot in a variety of places. The comfort of each person is of the highest priority and we will discuss locations. Some will be in studios, hotels or dungeons while others will be on streets, in parks or bars. In our pre-shoot conversation we will discuss and come up with a plan
Do I have to show my face or identify myself? Nope but, there will be a consent/model release form with your legal name on it. This document will only be accessed by members of the Jeremy A Teel team and only used for verification/contact purposes.
I'm not in the best shape, can I be in it? Yes PLEASE. This isn't about who has the hottest body, everyone is hot to someone! This is about representation and your six pack or lack of is exactly what we need. We must show range!
I'm into some FREAKY stuff, are there things you won’t shoot? Anything to do with Animals or Children is strictly a No. Age Play and Human Pet Play are an absolute yes!
What Do I wear? Good question, Whatever makes you feel like YOU. Bring a few outfits. Im encouraging people to look like themselves. Example: If you’re into suits and harnesses, wear that. I'll direct you and get the best shots to hopefully capture your gear as you feel it.
Do I shoot alone or with others? We want you to be comfortable. If you would prefer to shoot alone, that is fine. If you wouldn’t mind being in someone else's images (or the opposite) that's great too.
Is there compensation? As of Nov. 2022 all models in this project are donating their time and likeness free of charge. However, as a form of payment JATC will offer a large print of its choosing from their shoot after debut. As well as being named (if permitted) a supporter of this project in the exhibition notes and book.
I need a new headshot, may I use one of these? Nope. These images will be put into a collection of images. Meaning, your image may not feature your face in the final edit or even be included. If you'd like a person to shoot, I'd be happy to do so and can discuss pricing.
I know someone who would be great in this but they aren’t POC. I think in some cases, there will be images that are majority POC and in that case, the image still focuses on the our subject matter while incorporating our larger community. Lets discuss.
Personal Vs. Project Photos Images captured for the project are for it and not for personal use. Meaning they are put into a body of images to be curated into a larger narrative. These sessions are free of charge and require a photo/model release confirmation. If you would like personal images to use for yourself, you would book a separate session outside of the project shoots. Sessions start at $150 for Half Hour and $275 Full Hour and include 6 Images with each additional image is $10. This does not include travel unless I am already in your area. Please email me at Booking@JeremyATeel.com